tcl: update TCL to new data source URLs (#71975) #7

fpeters merged 5 commits from wip/71975-tcl-new-urls into main 2022-12-12 11:36:49 +01:00
19 changed files with 621 additions and 44 deletions

View File

@ -182,6 +182,9 @@ FAMILY_PAYLOAD = {
'lastname': 'Simpson',
'birth': {'dateBirth': '1989-12-17'},
'dietcode': 'BB',
'paiInfoBean': {
'code': 'PAIALI',
'emergencyPersonList': [
@ -223,6 +226,9 @@ def pytest_addoption(parser):
parser.addoption('--nameid', help='Publik Name ID', default='functest')
parser.addoption('--dui', help='DUI number', default='')
'--lastname', help='override lastname to create a new "update" family', default='Simpson'
def unlink(conn, name_id):
@ -351,7 +357,7 @@ def referentials(conn):
def create_data(request, conn, referentials):
def create_data(request, conn):
name_id = request.config.getoption('--nameid')
unlink(conn, name_id)
lastname = uuid4().hex[0:30]
@ -376,19 +382,20 @@ def create_data(request, conn, referentials):
'name_id': name_id, # linked
'family_id': str(create_result['data']['number']),
'lastname': lastname,
'rl1_num': data['RL1']['num'],
'family_payload': create_family_payload,
'data': data,
def update_data(request, conn, referentials):
def update_data(request, conn):
name_id = request.config.getoption('--nameid')
lastname = request.config.getoption('--lastname')
unlink(conn, name_id)
debug = False # True allow to create then update a new family
if debug:
lastname = 'something new'
# allow to create then update a new family if current is broken,
# using --lastname option
FAMILY_PAYLOAD['rl1']['lastname'] = lastname
FAMILY_PAYLOAD['rl2']['lastname'] = lastname
for child in FAMILY_PAYLOAD['childList']:
@ -432,16 +439,13 @@ def update_data(request, conn, referentials):
resp =, json=update_family_payload)
assert resp.json()['err'] == 0
if debug:
data = read_family(conn, name_id)
data = diff_family(conn, name_id, 'test_update_family.json')
return {
'name_id': name_id, # linked
'family_id': family_id,
'family_payload': update_family_payload,
'lastname': lastname,
'rl2_num': data['RL2']['num'],
'bart_num': data['childList'][0]['num'],
'lisa_num': data['childList'][1]['num'],

View File

@ -188,7 +188,13 @@
"indicatorList": [],
"medicalRecord": null,
"insurance": null,
"paiInfoBean": null,
"paiInfoBean": {
"code": "PAIALI",
"dateDeb": null,
"dateFin": null,
"description": null,
"code_text": "ALIMENTAIRE"
"mother": "N/A",
"father": "N/A",
"rl": null,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
"yearRev": 2021,
"dateStart": "2022-01-02T00:00:00+01:00",
"dateEnd": "2022-12-31T00:00:00+01:00",
"mtt": 1500.33,
"cdquo": "QS",
"codeUti": null,
"cdquo_text": "QUOTIENT SCOLAIRE"
"yearRev": 2020,
"dateStart": "2022-01-02T00:00:00+01:00",
"dateEnd": "2022-12-31T00:00:00+01:00",
"mtt": 1500.33,
"cdquo": "QS",
"codeUti": null,
"cdquo_text": "QUOTIENT SCOLAIRE"
"yearRev": 2021,
"dateStart": "2022-01-01T00:00:00+01:00",
"dateEnd": "2022-01-01T00:00:00+01:00",
"mtt": 1500.33,
"cdquo": "QS",
"codeUti": null,
"cdquo_text": "QUOTIENT SCOLAIRE"

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ def read_family(family_id, verbose):
result = client.service.readFamily(
# schoolYear=
# incomeYear=2020, # <-- pour avoir les quotients
# incomeYear=2022, # <-- pour filtrer les quotients sur cette année
# referenceYear=2020,

View File

@ -189,6 +189,11 @@ def test_update_family(conn, update_data):
# reset fields
family_reset_payload = copy.deepcopy(FAMILY_RESET_PAYLOAD)
family_reset_payload['rl1']['lastname'] = update_data['lastname']
family_reset_payload['rl2']['lastname'] = update_data['lastname']
for child in family_reset_payload['childList']:
child['lastname'] = update_data['lastname']
family_reset_payload['childList'][0]['num'] = update_data['family_payload']['childList'][0]['num']
resp =, json=family_reset_payload)
@ -323,6 +328,7 @@ def test_update_rlg(conn, update_data, rl):
# reset responsable legal
payload = copy.deepcopy(FAMILY_RESET_PAYLOAD[rlg])
payload['lastname'] = update_data['lastname']
for key in 'adresse', 'contact', 'profession', 'CAFInfo', 'indicatorList':
if key in payload:
del payload[key]
@ -361,7 +367,7 @@ def test_update_rlg(conn, update_data, rl):
# update birtday is refused
payload['lastname'] = 'Simpson'
payload['lastname'] = update_data['lastname']
payload['birth']['dateBirth'] = '1970-01-01'
resp =, json=payload)
@ -752,3 +758,57 @@ def test_update_child_indicator(conn, update_data):
assert resp.json()['err'] == 0
assert diff_family(conn, update_data['name_id'], 'test_update_family.json')
def test_update_quotient(conn, create_data):
unlink(conn, create_data['name_id'])
link(conn, create_data)
# add quotient
url = conn + '/update-quotient?NameID=%s&rl_id=%s' % (create_data['name_id'], create_data['rl1_num'])
payload = {
'yearRev': '2021',
'dateStart': '2022-01-01',
'dateEnd': '2022-12-31',
'mtt': '1500.33',
'cdquo': 'QS',
resp =, json=payload)
assert resp.json()['err'] == 0
data = read_family(conn, create_data['name_id'])
assert data['RL1']['quotientList'] == [
'yearRev': 2021,
'dateStart': '2022-01-01T00:00:00+01:00',
'dateEnd': '2022-12-31T00:00:00+01:00',
'mtt': 1500.33,
'cdquo': 'QS',
'codeUti': None,
'cdquo_text': 'QUOTIENT SCOLAIRE',
# add quotient
payload['dateStart'] = '2022-01-02'
resp =, json=payload)
assert resp.json()['err'] == 0
data = read_family(conn, create_data['name_id'])
assert len(data['RL1']['quotientList']) == 2
# add quotient on another income year
payload['yearRev'] = '2020'
resp =, json=payload)
assert resp.json()['err'] == 0
data = diff_rlg(conn, create_data['name_id'], 1, 'test_update_quotient.json', 'quotientList')
assert len(data['RL1']['quotientList']) == 3
# test read-family with reference year
url = conn + '/read-family?NameID=%s&income_year=%s' % (create_data['name_id'], '2020')
resp = requests.get(url)
res = resp.json()
assert res['err'] == 0
return len(res['data']['RL1']['quotientList']) == 1

View File

@ -51,9 +51,5 @@ def test_link(conn, update_data):
resp =, json=payload)
res = resp.json()
assert res == {
'err': 'not-found',
'err_class': 'passerelle.utils.jsonresponse.APIError',
'err_desc': "RL1 does not match '196947' family",
'data': None,
assert res['err'] == 'not-found'
assert 'RL1 does not match' in res['err_desc']

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ from django.db import models
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.urls import reverse
from django.utils.http import urlencode
from django.utils.timezone import now
from django.utils.timezone import localtime, now
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from passerelle.base.models import BaseResource, HTTPResource
@ -665,7 +665,7 @@ class RSA13Resource(BaseResource, HTTPResource):
if locals().get(key):
params[key] = locals()[key]
content = self.get('platform/%s/beneficiaire/csv/' % platform_id, email=email, ip=ip, params=params)
date = now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M')
date = localtime(now()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M')
return self.csv_response('beneficiaire', data=content['data'], filename=f'beneficiaire-{date}.csv')
@ -1963,7 +1963,7 @@ class RSA13Resource(BaseResource, HTTPResource):
url = 'platform/%s/beneficiaire/sorti/csv' % platform_id
content = self.get(url, email=email, ip=ip)
date = now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M')
date = localtime(now()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M')
return self.csv_response(
'sorti', data=content.get('data') or [], filename=f'beneficiaire-sorti-{date}.csv'

View File

@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ class Tcl(BaseResource):
with transaction.atomic():
for key in ('tcllignebus', 'tcllignemf', 'tcllignetram'):
url = get_tcl_data_url(key)
url = get_tcl_data_url(key + '_2_0_0')
response = self.requests.get(url)
for line_data in response.json()['values']:
@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ class Tcl(BaseResource):
defaults={'transport_key': key, 'ligne': line_data['ligne']},
line.ut = None
line.transport_key = key

View File

@ -187,13 +187,13 @@ class ToulouseMaelis(BaseResource, HTTPResource):
except Link.DoesNotExist:
raise APIError('User not linked to family', err_code='not-linked')
def get_family_raw(self, family_id):
response ='Family', 'readFamily', dossierNumber=family_id)
def get_family_raw(self, family_id, **kwargs):
response ='Family', 'readFamily', dossierNumber=family_id, **kwargs)
data = serialize_object(response)
return data
def get_rl_raw(self, family_id, rl_id):
data = self.get_family_raw(family_id)
def get_rl_raw(self, family_id, rl_id, **kwargs):
data = self.get_family_raw(family_id, **kwargs)
if data['RL1']['num'] == rl_id:
return data['RL1']
elif data['RL2'] and data['RL2']['num'] == rl_id:
@ -275,6 +275,8 @@ class ToulouseMaelis(BaseResource, HTTPResource):
self.add_text_value('Organ', data, ['CAFInfo', 'organ'])
for indicator in data['indicatorList']:
for quotient in data['quotientList']:
self.add_text_value('Quotient', quotient, ['cdquo'])
# sort indicators
if data['indicatorList']:
@ -307,13 +309,13 @@ class ToulouseMaelis(BaseResource, HTTPResource):
return data
def get_rl(self, family_id, rl_id):
data = self.get_rl_raw(family_id, rl_id)
def get_rl(self, family_id, rl_id, **kwargs):
data = self.get_rl_raw(family_id, rl_id, **kwargs)
return data
def get_family(self, family_id):
data = self.get_family_raw(family_id)
def get_family(self, family_id, **kwargs):
data = self.get_family_raw(family_id, **kwargs)
return data
@ -727,11 +729,14 @@ class ToulouseMaelis(BaseResource, HTTPResource):
description='Informations sur la famille',
parameters={'NameID': {'description': 'Publik NameID'}},
'NameID': {'description': 'Publik NameID'},
'income_year': {'description': 'Année de revenu pour filtrer les quotients'},
def read_family(self, request, NameID):
def read_family(self, request, NameID, income_year=None):
family_id = self.get_link(NameID).family_id
data = self.get_family(family_id)
data = self.get_family(family_id, incomeYear=income_year)
return {'data': data}
@ -742,11 +747,12 @@ class ToulouseMaelis(BaseResource, HTTPResource):
'NameID': {'description': 'Publik NameID'},
'rl_id': {'description': 'Numéro du représentant légal'},
'income_year': {'description': 'Année de revenu pour filtrer les quotients'},
def read_rl(self, request, NameID, rl_id):
def read_rl(self, request, NameID, rl_id, income_year=None):
family_id = self.get_link(NameID).family_id
data = self.get_rl(family_id, rl_id)
data = self.get_rl(family_id, rl_id, incomeYear=income_year)
return {'data': data}
@ -1086,6 +1092,29 @@ class ToulouseMaelis(BaseResource, HTTPResource):'Family', 'updatePersonIndicatorList', numPerson=rl_id, **post_data)
return {'data': 'ok'}
description="Créer ou mettre à jour un quotient d'un responsable légal",
'NameID': {'description': 'Publik NameID'},
'rl_id': {'description': "Numéro du responsable légal"},
post={'request_body': {'schema': {'application/json': schemas.UPDATE_QUOTIENT_SCHEMA}}},
def update_quotient(self, request, NameID, rl_id, post_data):
family_id = self.get_link(NameID).family_id
self.assert_post_data_in_referential('Quotient', post_data, ['cdquo'])
payload = {
'dossierNumber': family_id,
'personNumber': rl_id,
'quotient': post_data,
}'Family', 'createUpdateQuotient', **payload)
return {'data': 'ok'}
description="Création d'une personne à prévenir en cas d'urgence",

View File

@ -720,3 +720,39 @@ UPDATE_INDICATOR_SCHEMA = {
'additionalProperties': False,
'unflatten': True,
'$schema': '',
'title': 'Family persons',
'description': "Mise à jours des quotients sur les responsables légaux",
'type': 'object',
'required': ['yearRev', 'dateStart', 'dateEnd', 'mtt', 'cdquo'],
'properties': {
'yearRev': {
'description': 'Année de revenu',
'type': 'string',
'pattern': '^[0-9]{4}$',
'dateStart': {
'description': 'Date de début',
'type': 'string',
'pattern': '^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$',
'dateEnd': {
'description': 'Date de fin',
'type': 'string',
'pattern': '^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$',
'mtt': {
'description': 'Montant',
'type': 'string',
'pattern': r'^[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*$',
'cdquo': {
'description': 'Code du quotient (depuis référentiel)',
'type': 'string',
'pattern': '.+',
'additionalProperties': False,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
<soap-env:Envelope xmlns:soap-env="">
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="">
<wsse:Password Type="">maelis-password</wsse:Password>
<ns0:createUpdateQuotient xmlns:ns0="">

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
<ns2:createUpdateQuotientResponse xmlns:ns2=""/>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
<faultstring>E07 : Il existe d&#233;j&#224; un quotient post&#233;rieur pour cette p&#233;riode</faultstring>
<ns1:MaelisFamilyException xmlns:ns1="">
<message xmlns:ns2="">E07 : Il existe d&#233;j&#224; un quotient post&#233;rieur pour cette p&#233;riode</message>

View File

@ -45,6 +45,20 @@
<label>Auxiliaire de Vie loisirs</label>
<cdquo>MOY ECO</cdquo>

View File

@ -45,6 +45,20 @@
<label>Auxiliaire de Vie loisirs</label>
<cdquo>MOY ECO</cdquo>

View File

@ -45,6 +45,20 @@
<label>Auxiliaire de Vie loisirs</label>
<cdquo>MOY ECO</cdquo>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
<ns2:readFamilyResponse xmlns:ns2="">
<idStreet xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="true"/>
<street1>Chateau d'eau</street1>
<idStreet xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="true"/>
<street1>Chateau d'eau</street1>
<allergy1>butterscotch, imitation butterscotch, glow-in-the-dark monster make-up</allergy1>
<allergy2>shrimp and cauliflower</allergy2>
<comment1>the shrimp allergy isn't fully identified</comment1>
<observ1>Ay Caramba!</observ1>
<observ2>Eat my shorts!</observ2>
<hospital>Springfield General Hospital</hospital>
<description>bla bla PAI</description>
<firstname>JOHNNY ALLEN</firstname>

View File

@ -115,9 +115,9 @@ def connector(db):
def tcl_responses(url, **kwargs):
content = {
'/tcllignebus': LIGNE_BUS,
'/tcllignemf': LIGNE_MF,
'/tcllignetram': LIGNE_TRAM,
'/tcllignebus_2_0_0': LIGNE_BUS,
'/tcllignemf_2_0_0': LIGNE_MF,
'/tcllignetram_2_0_0': LIGNE_TRAM,
'/geojson/tclarret': ARRETS,
'/tclpassagearret': PASSAGES,

View File

@ -44,6 +44,9 @@ ISWSRUNNING_FALSE = FakedResponse(content=get_xml_file('R_is_ws_running.xml') %
READ_FAMILY = FakedResponse(content=get_xml_file('R_read_family.xml'), status_code=200)
READ_FAMILY_LAX = FakedResponse(content=get_xml_file('R_read_family_relax.xml'), status_code=200)
READ_FAMILY_ORD = FakedResponse(content=get_xml_file('R_read_family_reordered.xml'), status_code=200)
content=get_xml_file('R_read_family_with_income_year.xml'), status_code=200
READ_RL1_FAMILY = FakedResponse(content=get_xml_file('R_read_family_with_only_rl1.xml'), status_code=200)
IS_RL_EXISTS_TRUE = FakedResponse(content=get_xml_file('R_is_rl_exists.xml') % b'true', status_code=200)
IS_RL_EXISTS_FALSE = FakedResponse(content=get_xml_file('R_is_rl_exists.xml') % b'false', status_code=200)
@ -58,6 +61,10 @@ CREATE_CHILD_ERR = FakedResponse(content=get_xml_file('R_create_child_error.xml'
UPDATE_FAMILY = FakedResponse(content=get_xml_file('R_update_family.xml'), status_code=200)
UPDATE_FAMILY_ERR = FakedResponse(content=get_xml_file('R_update_family_error.xml'), status_code=200)
UPDATE_FAMILY_500 = FakedResponse(content=get_xml_file('R_update_family_soap_error.xml'), status_code=500)
UPDATE_QUOTIENT = FakedResponse(content=get_xml_file('R_create_update_quotient.xml'), status_code=200)
UPDATE_QUOTIENT_500 = FakedResponse(
content=get_xml_file('R_create_update_quotient_soap_error.xml'), status_code=500
UPDATE_DIETCODE = FakedResponse(content=get_xml_file('R_update_child_dietcode.xml'), status_code=200)
UPDATE_PAI = FakedResponse(content=get_xml_file('R_update_child_pai.xml'), status_code=200)
UPDATE_PAI_500 = FakedResponse(content=get_xml_file('R_update_child_pai_soap_error.xml'), status_code=500)
@ -705,7 +712,6 @@ def test_read_family(mocked_post, mocked_get, read_family, con, app):
'CAFInfo': None,
'civility_text': 'Monsieur',
'quality_text': 'PERE',
'quotientList': [],
'indicatorList': [
'choice': None,
@ -722,6 +728,26 @@ def test_read_family(mocked_post, mocked_get, read_family, con, app):
'note': 'SNPP',
'quotientList': [
'cdquo': 'QS',
'cdquo_text': 'QUOTIENT SCOLAIRE',
'codeUti': None,
'dateEnd': '2021-12-31T00:00:00+01:00',
'dateStart': '2021-01-01T00:00:00+01:00',
'mtt': 1500.33,
'yearRev': 2020,
'cdquo': 'MOY ECO',
'codeUti': None,
'dateEnd': '2022-12-31T00:00:00+01:00',
'dateStart': '2022-01-01T00:00:00+01:00',
'mtt': 1500.44,
'yearRev': 2021,
'subscribeActivityList': [],
data = resp.json['data']['childList'][0]
@ -862,6 +888,29 @@ def test_read_rl1(mocked_post, mocked_get, con, app):
assert resp.json['data']['firstname'] == 'JHON'
def test_read_rl1_with_income_year(mocked_post, mocked_get, con, app):
mocked_get.return_value = FAMILY_SERVICE_WSDL
mocked_post.return_value = READ_FAMILY_QUOTIENT
url = get_endpoint('read-rl')
Link.objects.create(resource=con, family_id='1312', name_id='local')
resp = app.get(url + '?NameID=local&rl_id=613878&income_year=2020')
assert resp.json['err'] == 0
assert resp.json['data']['quotientList'] == [
'yearRev': 2020,
'dateStart': '2021-01-01T00:00:00+01:00',
'dateEnd': '2021-12-31T00:00:00+01:00',
'mtt': 1500.33,
'cdquo': 'QS',
'cdquo_text': 'QUOTIENT SCOLAIRE',
'codeUti': None,
def test_read_rl2(mocked_post, mocked_get, con, app):
@ -2111,6 +2160,79 @@ def test_update_coordinate_wrong_referential_key_error(mocked_post, mocked_get,
def test_update_quotient(mocked_post, mocked_get, con, app):
mocked_get.return_value = FAMILY_SERVICE_WSDL
mocked_post.return_value = UPDATE_QUOTIENT
url = get_endpoint('update-quotient')
params = {
'yearRev': '2021',
'dateStart': '2022-10-01',
'dateEnd': '2023-01-31',
'mtt': '1500.33',
'cdquo': 'QS',
Link.objects.create(resource=con, family_id='1312', name_id='local')
resp = app.post_json(url + '?NameID=local&rl_id=613878', params=params)
assert_sent_payload(mocked_post, 'Q_create_update_quotient.xml')
assert resp.json['err'] == 0
assert resp.json['data'] == 'ok'
def test_update_quotient_schema_error(con, app):
url = get_endpoint('update-quotient')
params = {
'yearRev': '2021',
'dateStart': '2022-10-01',
'dateEnd': '2023-01-31',
'mtt': '1500,33',
'cdquo': 'QS',
Link.objects.create(resource=con, family_id='1312', name_id='local')
resp = app.post_json(url + '?NameID=local&rl_id=613878', params=params, status=400)
assert resp.json['err'] == 1
assert resp.json['err_desc'] == "mtt: '1500,33' does not match '^[0-9]+\\\\.?[0-9]*$'"
def test_update_quotient_soap_error(mocked_post, mocked_get, con, app):
mocked_get.return_value = FAMILY_SERVICE_WSDL
mocked_post.return_value = UPDATE_QUOTIENT_500
url = get_endpoint('update-quotient')
params = {
'yearRev': '2021',
'dateStart': '2022-10-01',
'dateEnd': '2023-01-31',
'mtt': '1500.33',
'cdquo': 'QS',
Link.objects.create(resource=con, family_id='1312', name_id='local')
resp = app.post_json(url + '?NameID=local&rl_id=613878', params=params)
assert resp.json['err'] == 'Family-createUpdateQuotient-soap:Server'
assert 'E07 : Il existe déjà un quotient postérieur' in resp.json['err_desc']
def test_update_quotient_wrong_referential_key_error(con, app):
url = get_endpoint('update-quotient')
params = {
'yearRev': '2021',
'dateStart': '2023-10-01',
'dateEnd': '2023-01-31',
'mtt': '1500.33',
'cdquo': 'plop',
Link.objects.create(resource=con, family_id='1312', name_id='local')
resp = app.post_json(url + '?NameID=local&rl_id=613878', params=params)
assert resp.json['err'] == 'wrong-key'
assert resp.json['err_desc'] == "cdquo key value 'plop' do not belong to 'Quotient' required referential"
def test_create_person(mocked_post, mocked_get, con, app):