WIP: misc: add BEM classes on link-list-cell (#70837) #29

csechet wants to merge 1 commits from wip/70837-Poser-des-classes-BEM-sur-les-li into main
4 changed files with 40 additions and 29 deletions

View File

@ -6,7 +6,13 @@
{% block form-link-pre %}{% endblock %}
<a href="{{ form_url }}{% if not request_is_a_bot %}tryauth?cancelurl={{ absolute_uri|urlencode|iriencode }}{% endif %}">{% block form-link-title %}{{ form_title }}{% endblock %}</a>
{% if css_block %}
{% endif %}
href="{{ form_url }}{% if not request_is_a_bot %}tryauth?cancelurl={{ absolute_uri|urlencode|iriencode }}{% endif %}">
{% block form-link-title %}{{ form_title }}{% endblock %}
{% if form_description %}
<div class="description">{% block form-link-description %}{{ form_description|safe }}{% endblock %}</div>
{% endif %}

View File

@ -2,33 +2,33 @@
{% block cell-content %}
{% spaceless %}
{% block cell-header %}
{% if title %}<h2>{{ title }}</h2>{% endif %}
{% if title %}<h2 class="cell--title">{{ title }}</h2>{% endif %}
{% include "combo/asset_picture_fragment.html" %}
{% endblock cell-header %}
<div class="links-list">
{% block cell-top-content %}{% endblock cell-top-content %}
<ul class="links-list--items">
{% for link in links %}
<li class="{{ link.css_classes|default:""|join:" " }}{% if link.cell.extra_css_class %} {{ link.cell.extra_css_class }}{% endif %}">{% if link.is_form %}
{% include "combo/wcs/form_link_fragment.html" with form=link %}
<li class="links-list--item {{ link.css_classes|default:""|join:" " }}{% if link.cell.extra_css_class %} {{ link.cell.extra_css_class }}{% endif %}">{% if link.is_form %}
{% include "combo/wcs/form_link_fragment.html" with form=link css_block="links-list" %}
{% else %}
<a href="{{ link.url }}">{{ link.title }}</a>
<a href="{{ link.url }}" class="links-list--link">{{ link.title }}</a>
{% endif %}</li>
{% endfor %}
{% if more_links %}
<li class="add-more-items">
<a role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="more-items-{{ cell.get_reference }}" aria-label="{% trans 'More items' %}" id="btn-more-items-{{ cell.get_reference }}" class="add-more-items--button">{% block cell-more-items-btn-label %}+{% endblock %}</a>
<li class="add-more-items links-list--more-items">
<a role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="more-items-{{ cell.get_reference }}" aria-label="{% trans 'More items' %}" id="btn-more-items-{{ cell.get_reference }}" class="add-more-items--button links-list--more-items-button">{% block cell-more-items-btn-label %}+{% endblock %}</a>
{% endif %}
{% if more_links %}
<ul style="display: none" class="more-items" id="more-items-{{ cell.get_reference }}" aria-labelledby="btn-more-items-{{ cell.get_reference }}">
<ul style="display: none" class="more-items links-list--items" id="more-items-{{ cell.get_reference }}" aria-labelledby="btn-more-items-{{ cell.get_reference }}">
{% for link in more_links %}
<li class="more-items--item {{ link.css_classes|default:""|join:" " }}">{% if link.is_form %}
{% include "combo/wcs/form_link_fragment.html" with form=link %}
<li class="more-items--item links-list--item {{ link.css_classes|default:""|join:" " }}">{% if link.is_form %}
{% include "combo/wcs/form_link_fragment.html" with form=link css_block="links-list"%}
{% else %}
<a href="{{ link.url }}">{{ link.title }}</a>
<a class="links-list--link" href="{{ link.url }}">{{ link.title }}</a>
{% endif %}</li>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ from django.test.utils import CaptureQueriesContext
from django.urls import reverse
from django.utils.encoding import force_bytes, force_str
from django.utils.timezone import now
from pyquery import PyQuery
from combo.data.library import get_cell_classes
from combo.data.models import (
@ -292,29 +293,33 @@ def test_link_list_cell():
ctx = {'page_cells': [item]}
assert '<ul><li class=" foobar"><a href="http://example.net/">Example Site</a></li></ul>' in cell.render(
pq = PyQuery(cell.render(ctx))
assert pq("a").attr("href") == "http://example.net/"
assert pq("a").text() == "Example Site"
assert "foobar" in pq("li").attr("class")
item.title = ''
item.extra_css_class = ''
assert '<ul><li class=""><a href="http://example.net/">http://example.net/</a></li></ul>' in cell.render(
pq = PyQuery(cell.render(ctx))
assert pq("a").text() == "http://example.net/"
assert "foobar" not in pq("li").attr("class")
item.link_page = page
assert '<ul><li class=""><a href="/example-page/">example page</a></li></ul>' in cell.render(ctx)
pq = PyQuery(cell.render(ctx))("a")
assert pq.attr("href") == "/example-page/"
assert pq.text() == "example page"
item.title = 'altertitle'
assert '<ul><li class=""><a href="/example-page/">altertitle</a></li></ul>' in cell.render(ctx)
pq = PyQuery(cell.render(ctx))("a")
assert pq.text() == "altertitle"
item.anchor = 'anchor'
assert '<ul><li class=""><a href="/example-page/#anchor">altertitle</a></li></ul>' in cell.render(ctx)
pq = PyQuery(cell.render(ctx))("a")
assert pq.attr("href") == "/example-page/#anchor"
item.link_page = None
assert '<ul><li class=""><a href="http://example.net/#anchor">altertitle</a></li></ul>' in cell.render(
pq = PyQuery(cell.render(ctx))("a")
assert pq.attr("href") == "http://example.net/#anchor"
item2 = LinkCell.objects.create(
@ -324,9 +329,9 @@ def test_link_list_cell():
ctx = {'page_cells': [item, item2]}
assert 'class="add-more-items--button">+</a>' not in cell.render(ctx)
assert 'class="add-more-items--button links-list--more-items-button">+</a>' not in cell.render(ctx)
cell.limit = 1
assert 'class="add-more-items--button">+</a>' in cell.render(ctx)
assert 'class="add-more-items--button links-list--more-items-button">+</a>' in cell.render(ctx)
def test_link_list_cell_validity():

View File

@ -1864,7 +1864,7 @@ def test_list_of_links_with_form_render(app):
resp = app.get('/test_list_of_links_with_form_render/')
assert PyQuery(resp.text).find('.links-list a').text() == 'A title'
assert PyQuery(resp.text).find('.links-list li').attr('class') == ' foobar'
assert 'foobar' in PyQuery(resp.text).find('.links-list li').attr('class')
assert (
PyQuery(resp.text).find('.links-list a').attr('href')
== 'http://example.com/tryauth?cancelurl=http%3A//testserver/test_list_of_links_with_form_render/'
@ -1873,12 +1873,12 @@ def test_list_of_links_with_form_render(app):
link.cached_json = {'keywords': ['bar']}
resp = app.get('/test_list_of_links_with_form_render/')
assert PyQuery(resp.text).find('.links-list li').attr('class') == 'keyword-bar foobar'
assert 'keyword-bar foobar' in PyQuery(resp.text).find('.links-list li').attr('class')
link.extra_css_class = ''
resp = app.get('/test_list_of_links_with_form_render/')
assert PyQuery(resp.text).find('.links-list li').attr('class') == 'keyword-bar'
assert 'keyword-bar' in PyQuery(resp.text).find('.links-list li').attr('class')
link.cached_json = {'description': 'en outre, on est des loutres'}